Hillary Clinton speaks at Virginia rally
- Former secretary of state campaigns for Democratic candidate
- Setting in Virginia seems to suit Hillary Clinton's style
- Appearance mostly upbeat, with a few shots at the GOP
About 500 people showed
up to the historic State Theatre in Falls Church, a suburb of
Washington, D.C. to witness Clinton's smiling re-emergence on the
political scene, showering her with applause when she made even the
slightest allusion to running for office again.
What did we learn about her future plans as she considers a repeat bid for the White House in 2016? Not much at all, actually.
But here are three
important takeaways from Clinton's first big political speech since
leaving the State Department earlier this year:
She was relaxed
Never a dynamic speaker on the stump in 2008, Clinton was instead relaxed, confident and authoritative on Saturday.
It's not hard to see why.
This was a supremely
low-risk event for Clinton -- as perfect a re-entry into national
politics as she could have asked for. Barring some kind of wacky
collapse in the final three weeks of the race, McAuliffe is generally
expected to defeat his Republican opponent Ken Cuccinelli, though some
Democrats here expect the winning margin to be a few points smaller than
the eight-point lead he holds in the polls, given the usual GOP turnout
edge in an off-year.
The former secretary of
state has a close personal friendship with McAuliffe, a longtime
fundraiser, poker buddy, cheerleader, political fixer and all-purpose
confidant for the Clintons.
The event's frame -- it
was billed as a "Women For Terry" rally -- was right in Clinton's strike
zone, giving her a chance to talk about politics in terms she feels
most comfortable.
"The whole country is
watching to see if the rights of women and girls will be respected,
especially over our own bodies and our health care," she said of the
Virginia race, alluding to Cuccinelli's efforts as a state legislator
and attorney general to curb access to abortion.
Add it all up, and
Clinton was completely at ease on Saturday, campaigning in front a
fawning audience in the Washington suburbs, talking about women's issues
and propping up one of her longtime pals.
"I thought hard about
what I wanted to say to Virginians today," she said. "I've been out of
politics for a few years now. And I've had a chance to think a lot about
what makes our country so great. What kind of leadership is required to
keep it great."
She wasn't afraid to jab Republicans, however gently
Clinton stayed mostly positive, but she didn't shy away from taking a few shots at Republicans, albeit not by name.
Talking about the
political gridlock on Capitol Hill that led to a 16-day government
shutdown this month, she said that "we have seen examples of the wrong
kind of leadership" in recent days, an unmistakable poke at House
"Politicians choose
scorched-earth over common ground," she continued. "They operate in what
I called the evidence-free-zone, with ideology trumping everything
else," she said, before listing the consequences of the shutdown, such
as furloughed workers and "children thrown out of Head Start."
Clinton also made sure
to highlight Republican efforts to enforce stricter abortion regulations
in Virginia. McAuliffe, she said, would "stand up against attempts to
restrict women's health choices."
Rounding out her speech,
Clinton alluded to Alexis de Tocqueville, the French writer who
described Americans as having "habits of the heart" when he traveled to
the U.S. nearly 200 years ago.
But Clinton warned that such a spirit is under threat.
"We cannot let those who
do not believe in America's progress hijack this great experiment, and
substitute for the habits of the heart suspicion, hatred, anger,
anxiety. That's not as a people who we are."
She executed the McAuliffe game plan
As much as Clinton was
the story here, time and again she served as a character witness for
McAuliffe, whom Republicans have relentlessly attacked as a carnival
barker and Washington insider.
"I've seen the values
that he was raised with," Clinton said of McAuliffe, standing next to
her on stage at the State Theatre, along with his wife Dorothy. "He grew
up in a middle class family. He was taught about the dignity of work
and the importance of looking out for each other. He started his first
business at the age of 14 because he knew he was going to have to put
himself through school. He's lived those values."
The Clinton appearance was straight out of McAuliffe's playbook from day one.
No one in Virginia is
surprised that his campaign deployed Clinton at this late stage of the
game, an effort to stir up scads of press attention and drown out the
cash-strapped Cuccinelli, who is not even airing television ads in the
crucial northern Virginia media market this weekend, two ad-buying
sources told CNN.
Cuccinelli spent Saturday rallying the conservative base with Mike Huckabee in central Virginia.
The Democrats' goal is to lock in McAuliffe's lead and keep their boot on Cuccinelli's neck as they head into the final stretch.
And guess what: former
President Bill Clinton, the big dog himself, will also be campaigning
for McAuliffe in the coming weeks. Date TBD.
Igor Eric Kuvykin www.erickuvykin.com and www.kuvykin.com some of the most valuable information online selected and brought to you.
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This is only the first of the governor's races, but a specter of things
to come for Tea Party candidates. Even the GOP secretly prays for the
Tea Party to lose influence.
The Tea Party was created as a distraction by the Koch brothers, as a grass roots movement to balance the budget by robbing Medicare, Social Security, and Health Care to keep us from doing what is necessary to balance the budget.....raising taxes on those who can most afford it.
In 1963 top tax rate was 93%
In 1980 it was 70%
When Reagan left office it was 50%
When Bush Jr. left office it was under 32%
Today it is 35%
The gap between the wealthy and the middle class grows larger, and so does the national debt, and it isn't because we overspend, it is because we under tax, the wealthy.
The Tea Party was created as a distraction by the Koch brothers, as a grass roots movement to balance the budget by robbing Medicare, Social Security, and Health Care to keep us from doing what is necessary to balance the budget.....raising taxes on those who can most afford it.
In 1963 top tax rate was 93%
In 1980 it was 70%
When Reagan left office it was 50%
When Bush Jr. left office it was under 32%
Today it is 35%
The gap between the wealthy and the middle class grows larger, and so does the national debt, and it isn't because we overspend, it is because we under tax, the wealthy.
Someone needs to Step Up To PUTIN